
Students at Apsara Yoga Shala are introduced to Haṭhayoga through the application of vyayama: a system of fixed forms or drills, also known as the Preludes.

The application of vyayama (drills) builds strength, stamina, and flexibility, and improves bodily functions such as circulation, digestion, and respiration. But the true value lies beyond physical conditioning. Rhythmic movements and unforced positioning of the body help cultivate an open and responsive mind, allowing the individual to critically observe and review habits, behaviours, thought patterns, likes and dislikes. The body is used as a practical tool to fine tune the mind. The fixed formations of the Preludes provide the foundation for the development of freestyle, where the practice is guided by feeling and intuition according to the demands of the time or moment.

Bala Krama – Stepping into Strength

Here, the student learns to move and position the body using the skeletal structure, rather than by muscular force. The Bala Krama builds strength in the bones and reduces stiffness in the joints. This practice increases stamina and promotes smooth, rhythmic breathing.

ChayaYodha Sancalanam – Churning of the Shadow Warrior

Here, the student learns how to move through space in a rhythmic fashion. The Chaya Yodha Sancalanam improves coordination of the limbs and marries movement and breath.

Karttikeya Mandalam – Garland of Light

This is an advanced form that builds on what is learnt in the first two Preludes. The Karttikeya Mandalam is comprised of spiralling and circular movements to increase mobility in the spine and promote the intuitive, innate movements of the individual.